Energy Transition in the company

The energy transition is a paradigm shift as far as the energy model is concerned, and involves the implementation of new ways of generating energy, betting on renewable sources and the responsible, sustainable and efficient use of resources.

According to the Global Energy Transition Index (ETI), the Scandinavian region leads the Energy Transition, with Sweden, Norway and Denmark in the top positions. Of the 115 countries studied in this report, it is perceived that 92 of them have made progress in this area. Spain, for example, climbed 7 positions compared to the 2020 report, achieving 17th position in 2021.

At KL2B/NATOPART we have always wanted to collaborate in the sustainability of the planet and mitigate the effects of climate change. For this reason, we have been ISO 14001 certified for years, in order to develop and implement Environmental Management processes that reduce the environmental risks associated with our activity. In recent years we have managed to significantly reduce emissions and waste from our company, and we encourage collaborating organizations to implement sustainable policies.

Commitment to the environment is everyone's responsibility.

See full report here.


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